Iowa State Trooper Describes Harrowing Tornado Experience

(Undated) -- An Iowa State Trooper is okay after a very close call with a large tornado in western Iowa Friday, April 26th. Trooper Dustin Pieken told Fox Weather he was on the interstate when the large twister came toward him. He says he drove into a ditch to be safe, as the debris was swirling around. Debris broke out a window, but Pieken say he was okay.

"All of a sudden debris started flying around me, chunks of metal and sticks from tree line, it just happened so fast, there was no way out, I just put my car in the ditch and I had a pretty strong relationship with God at that point,." said Trooper Pieken.

Pieken says he was about a half hour away from Minden, Iowa, and was among the first responders who were called to the small northern Pottawattamie County community after the tornado struck.

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